Make a loan payment from another financial institution
Linking an External Account
Before you can begin making payments to a NextMark Loan from anther financial institution, you will need to add the external account to your NextMark profile.
Step 1: Add an External Account
IMPORTANT: You must be enrolled in Online Banking in order to make payments online. If you are not enrolled, get started here.
Once enrolled in Online Banking, your accounts at other financial institutions can be linked to NextMark’s Online Banking so you can transfer money between the them, and make loan payments. Here’s how it works:
- Log into Online Banking
- In the Transactions tab, click Add External Account
- Enter Account Number of the non-NextMark financial institution
- Select the type of account using the Account Type drop-down
- Enter the financial institution’s routing number. These number are located at the bottom of a paper check or deposit slip from your checkbook.
- Click Next
- An external account authorization will appear. Please note, in 2 business days, 2 micro deposits will appear in your external account. These are part of the authorization process. Once you receive them, log into NextMark’s Online Banking and follow the instructions on the next step (Verifying a Personal External Account).
STEP 2: Verifying an External Account
Verify an External Account
As soon as NextMark makes two small deposits of less than a dollar into your external account, you need to verify those amounts within NextMark’s Online Banking. Once they are confirmed, you can begin transferring money to and from the external account.
- Log into Nextmark’s Online Banking
- In the Transactions tab, click Verify External Account
- Select the account you would like to verify.
- Enter the amounts of both micro-deposits that you received in your external account.
NOTE: Please enter them with no decimal points. - Click the Submit button when finished.
IMPORTANT: You must log off Online Banking after you verify the external account, and log back in to see that the account was added.
STEP 3: Making a loan payment from an external account
- Click on the Transactions tab and then the Funds Transfer tab.
- In the “From” field, click the drop down and select the external account you would like to transfer funds from.
- In the “To” field, click the drop down to select the loan you would like to transfer funds to.
- Enter the amount of your payment in the Amount field and click the “Make this a recurring transaction” if you wish.
- Select the payment date.
NOTE: Whichever payment date is selected will be the date the transfer will be made for future payments. - Enter Memo (optional)
Click Transfer Funds.