Make a loan payment from a NextMark account
Making a Loan payment from a NextMark Account
Make a one-time or set up recurring1 payment(s) to your NextMark loan(s):
Please note: you must be enrolled in Online Banking to make loan payments online. Enroll here.
- Log into NextMark’s Online Banking
- In the left-hand menu, click on Transactions
- Select Fund Transfer
- Select the account you wish to make a payment from (Checking, Saving, or other account)
- Select the account you wish to make the payment to (Loan account)
- Enter the Amount you desire to transfer
- Choose the Frequency of the payment form the drop down
- Choose the Transfer Date from the drop down Calendar or type it in
- Type in a Memo (optional)
- To complete, click on Transfer Funds
If you have any questions, or require assistance with setting up your payments, we are here to help. Call us at 703-218-9900, email us at [email protected], or click the chat bubble on this page during business hours.
1Reccurring payments may vary for Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC) due to payments being calculated according to varying month-end balances. Please ensure that you are making a minimum payment required.